Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Envy (2004)

  • What's it about?: Ben Stiller becomes envious of Jack Black after he invents a spray for dog shit and gets rich.
  • Thoughts: This movie is just dumb. The worst part, it's not Ben Stiller's poor envious attitude, it's not the liar revealed plot that ultimately has no consequences, it's not the country singer who keeps popping in and singing about envy, no the worst part is just how boring and unfunny it feels. 
  • Rating: 4/10
  • Recommendation: Not Recommended
  • Tier: D
Supporting Characters
Nick Vanderpark
Jack Black
Ben Stiller's friend, neighbor and colleague who gets rich after inventing a spray that gets rid of dog shit.

Other notable actors: Ben Stiller, Rachel Weisz, Amy Poehler, Christopher Walken
Director: Barry Levinson
Producer: Barry Levinson

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