Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Shallow Hal (2001)

  • What's it about?: Jack Black has a chance encounter with Tony Robbins who gives him the ability to see people for their inner beauty. This leads to him dating a fat Gwyneth Paltrow.
  • Thoughts: It's ok but I have a bit of a bone to pick with it. It's trying to promote this message of body positivity but it still seems like it's implying that fat people and certain body types or features are ugly.
  • Rating: 6/10
  • Recommendation: Maybe
  • Tier: C
Main Characters
Hal Larson
Jack Black
A guy with a very shallow taste in women until Tony Robbins gets him to see the inner beauty in people.

Other notable actors: Gwyneth Paltrow, Jason Alexander, Tony Robbins
Directors: Farrelly Brothers
Writers: Farrelly Brothers
Producers: Farrelly Brothers

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