Thursday, August 24, 2023

Cradle Will Rock (1999)

  • What's it about?: The movie covers several events from around the time of the Great Depression such as Diego Rivera's painting of Man at the Crossroads, the HCUA vs the Federal Theatre Project and of course most importantly the production of Marc Blitzstein's Cradle Will Rock. There is an overall theme of communism vs. facism in the 1930s. 
  • Thoughts: Excellent. I enjoyed the musical parts and there were great performances all-around. 
  • Rating: 9/10
  • Recommendation: Highly Recommended
  • Tier: A
Supporting Characters
Sid & Larry
Tenacious D
Two ventriloquist students training under Bill Murray.

Other notable actors: Hank Azaria, John Cusack, Angus MacFadyen, Bill Murray, RubĂ©n Blades, John Turturro, Emily Watson, Vanessa Redgrave, Susan Sarandon, Joan Cusack, Philip Baker Hall, Cary Elwes, Paul Giamatti
Director: Tim Robbins
Writer: Tim Robbins
Producer: Tim Robbins

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