Friday, February 17, 2023

Bob Roberts (1992)

  • What's it about?: We follow Tim Robbins playing the titular Bob Roberts, a right wing folk singer/politician in his race for senate.
  • Thoughts: Pretty decent political mockumentary. Watching this film in current times shows me how much our political climate really hasn't changed at all, at least not since the 90s.
  • Rating: 7/10
  • Recommendation: Recommended
  • Tier: B
Supporting Characters
Roger Davis
Jack Black
A misguided youth who idolizes Bob.

Other notable actors: Tim Robbins, Giancarlo Esposito, Alan Rickman, Ray Wise, Gore Vidal, John Cusack, Bob Balaban, David Strathairn, Lynne Thigpen
Director: Tim Robbins
Writer: Tim Robbins

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