Thursday, March 9, 2023

Waterworld (1995)

  • What's it about?: In the future when the world is covered in water, a lone drifter played by Kevin Costner comes upon a girl who may hold the key to dry land and now must protect her from a bunch of pirates.
  • Thoughts: Honestly despite the bad rap this movie gets, it's kind of a guilty pleasure. Sure, Kevin can be kind of an asshole and the movie can get boring sometimes, but there's some cheese, the action scenes are kinda cool and the bad guys are fun. If you're going to watch it, find the Ulysses Cut.
  • Rating: 6/10
  • Recommendation: Maybe
  • Tier: C
Minor Antagonists
Jack Black
A Smoker air pilot.

Other notable actors: Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper, Tina Majorino, Michael Jeter
Director: Kevin Reynolds
Writer: David Twohy
Producer: Kevin Costner

Friday, March 3, 2023

Bye Bye Love (1995)


  • What's it about?: We follow several divorced dads as they each have their own date nights, but also it's their week with their kids.
  • Thoughts: It's ok. Didn't really do much for me. Not really much to say about it. Randy Quaid was a little entertaining I guess.
  • Rating: 6/10
  • Recommendation: Maybe
  • Tier: C
Very Minor Characters
Jack Black
A DJ at a party.

Other notable actors: Randy Quaid, Paul Reiser, Matthew Modine, Janeane Garofalo, Rob Reiner, Johnny Whitworth, Ed Flanders, Eliza Dushku, Mae Whitman
Director: Sam Weisman